Thursday, January 15, 2009

It is Thursday Going On Friday...

...Baby it's time to link.

I always wonder how the creatives live. You know the artists, actresses, musicians... the people that don't sit in cubicles then trudge home to heat up leftovers and watch sitcoms.
This is why I love
The Selby. It's the best way to spy on artists (and other interesting people), and get really fun inspiration for home decor. (Apparently Taxidermy is big ... who knew?)
The Manhattan lofts are my favorites to "tour". Jealousy. Recently they toured Michael Stipe's apartment. I love that he collects the state quarters.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Watercolor Class At C and P Coffee House

In the spirit of trying new things in 2009 I signed up for a watercolor painting class. The instructor is local artist Jennifer Carrasco. She sent out our material list today. Phew. There is a lot of stuff on it. Stuff I will be wandering around an art store helplessly looking for in the next week. I haven't taken an art class in 5 years.

Should be interesting.

By the by, Jennifer Carrasco has a blog that is updated often.
Check out her artwork, poetry and general comments on life at Carrasco Studio. She even has pictures of her last watercolor class at the C and P coffee house. I guess I can stop wondering what it will look like.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

West Seattle Is Ready For Its Close-Up

On the way to breakfast this morning, Owen and I drove past a crowd of firemen, a couple firetrucks, a few limos, and a ton of people at Seacrest park on Alki. He read on the West Seattle Blog the other day that something was going to be filmed there this weekend. Of course, I yelled "Slow Down!" so I could gawk at the famous people in the crowds. I didn't see anyone famous, though a few looked famous. If I did see a famous person I don't know what I'd do anyway. Roll down the window and feed them peanuts? Yes, probably that. Famous people are just like zoo animals, right?

Later I went down to run my typical loop, which would let me pass the filming ruckus again. Coincidence, I swear. This time it smelled like fireworks, and there were filming crews in boats. Police had the road blocked off and the sidewalks were packed. I slowed down a little to peek around, but I needed to get back home so I could meet a friend at 3pm.

When I got in I found out why it smelled like fireworks... they blew up a car!!! West Seattle Blog has the inside scoop and the pictures (as usual).

Apparently it's for a TV pilot. I think Seattle is sorta the up and coming city for young people. You ever notice on a show or movie the kid that follows the beat of their own drum is always living in Seattle... maybe Portland. And they are eating granola and wearing too much fleece... but whatever. Take that LA. We are hip!