Thursday, April 9, 2009
Back Under The Clouds
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9:59 AM
Sunday, April 5, 2009
And A Beautiful Sunday Too?!
We're earned it Seattle! Finally the grey mist has parted and the sun is shining through. Even if it's only for a couple days, it feels wonderful. Today Owen and I went to the West Seattle Farmer's Market then had a picnic in the park. A lady bug was very interested in my cupcake. But I didn't share. I'm off to read in the park. I refuse to go inside until the sun goes down. How are you Seattlites enjoying the sun?
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3:41 PM
Sunny Saturday At Woodland Park Zoo
Owen and I decided to enjoy the springy Saturday at the zoo. As expected so did a lot of other people. With the right attitude this can make for double the fun, as you animal watch and human watch. (Which I think is still technically animal watching). Animals watching animals.
We drove over to Fremont in ... my new car! (Yeah that detail was solely there so I could talk about my new car). I bought a car last Sunday. It's our first week anniversary. Not a process I'd like to go through again. The finance guy was the worst. He had huge pictures of his kids everywhere, including one portrait of a baby the size of a movie poster behind his desk. Enough, just because you can reproduce doesn't make you a quality human.
Anyway - back to the zoo and animal watching. I walk around the zoo with a mix of amazement, excitement and sadness. Some of those cages... like the giraffes. Are humiliating. These giraffes were born there I'm sure. But when you know what a giraffe looks like in the wild (thanks Discovery Channel) and then you see on it cage the size of your studio apartment it leaves you feeling queasy. Perhaps they could think the same about us in our studio apartments watching our tvs instead of watching the stars. But that's another story.
The flamingos were fabulous - I think they organized a little dance for visitors which I only caught part of because I forgot how my video recording worked.
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9:57 AM