Sunday, April 5, 2009

And A Beautiful Sunday Too?!

We're earned it Seattle! Finally the grey mist has parted and the sun is shining through. Even if it's only for a couple days, it feels wonderful. Today Owen and I went to the West Seattle Farmer's Market then had a picnic in the park. A lady bug was very interested in my cupcake. But I didn't share. I'm off to read in the park. I refuse to go inside until the sun goes down. How are you Seattlites enjoying the sun?

Cupcake Royale Red Velvet Cupcake - And Lady Bug


Abby said...

Excuse that a photo of a cupcake on your blog? Do we need to revisit a certain Twitter conversation?

Now I want a cupcake real bad.

Unknown said...

The lady bug made me do it!

Owen said...

Tell me about it..cupcake holder...really.