Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Rainy Day Project
If you live in Seattle you may find yourself defensive about rain. When people write Seattle off as a place where everyday is a gloomy, soggy mess it's upsetting! But we still have to face the does get a little drippy in the winter. That being said Seattlites are all the more creative because of our days inside. We own some of most fun, unique umbrellas and galoshes. And last year when "wellies" were all the rage, we were the only ones who could legitimately wear them. When the season changes and you find yourself staring at a 10 day forecast with the same rainy/cloud stamped next to every day, it's time to find some fun indoor projects. I present ... Rainy Day Project #1 : Refinish A Coffee Table (Or Other Piece of Furniture). I started with a coffee table we got from friends. I didn't hate the stain but it did have a lot of nicks and scratches on it. And I could have stood to have it a little lighter. Here's the coffee table before: I took it down to Owen's parents and used an electric sander to take off the finish and smooth out any dents. Then used a completely clear finish to make sure people could put drinks on it or whatever without me worrying about coasters. Here's the finished product:
Posted by
9:10 PM
Labels: get crafty: projects
Friday, November 21, 2008
Smart Girls Have More Fun
In Seattle we know how to nerd-out. It's a stereotype that just might be true. We can tell you how far away the nearest internet cafe is from any given point in the city. (Because we're probably standing next to two). We get down with webinars, webisodes, the blogamosphere, hyperlinks and we know all the Ctrl shortcuts on our keyboards by heart. I'm never more happy than when I'm basking in the glow of my two monitors, writing Google ads at work, or reading my favorite blogs. Let me tell you, finding new Maria Bamford webisodes really takes the edge off a rainy winter day.
So I present my latest feature: Nerd-Out. Where I will share my latest internet obsessions. Get ready to click some links!
1. Amy Poehler's Smart Girls at the Party webisodes: Amy interviews girls about their interests and talents. The webisodes are geared toward parents and their daughters, but I still like them. The first guest on the show is a 10-year-old author. It's funny and adorable. Unfortunately it is sponsored by Barbie. I know they are trying to market her as something empowering for young girls, but there's something about that beeotch I don't trust.
2. Yellow Sticky Notes (a film). I save a lot of my notes to myself, in fact last night I was looking through the first notebook I kept here in Seattle. Amid more journal-y type entries are also grocery lists, directions, and to do lists. My favorite note to myself is "buy presentable shoes". Anyway this film is about how consuming those little to-do lists can be. It's shot flip-book style on, of course, yellow sticky notes.
That's all for today ... stay tuned for more nerding out in the future.
Posted by
7:03 AM
Labels: Nerd-Out
Thursday, November 13, 2008
West Seattle Art Walk
It's the second Thursday of November and you know what that means? Art walk! I'm going to the West Seattle Art Walk for the first time tonight and let me tell ya, I'm excited. I found a blog that posts who and what will be at each spot. Very cool. There's even a little walking map. I'm excited to check out all the art, jewelry, crafty goodness and, of course, the free wine that's rumored to be a part of art walks.
Prices: Looks like a range of between $30 and $300 for the pieces that will be shown on November 13, 2008.
Location: West Seattle - Map of stores participating.
Website: West Seattle Art Walk
Hours: Second Thursday of every month from 6-9pm.
Posted by
6:15 AM
Labels: things to do
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Nature Run On Alki
My run didn't start out great. I stepped in a huge pile of dog poop. Huge. Yellow. Pile. I saw it just before my foot squished directly into it. I tried wiping it by dragging my foot around in the grass, but Mizuno running shoes have this big section cut out of the bottom. It make the shoe lighter but it's sorta annoying because big stones can get lodged in it. Or big piles of dog poop can get get packed into it. So I went in search of a stick to dig the poop out. I found one. As I dug this yellow, mushy poop out of my shoe the smell hit my nose and I gagged. But I needed to get it out, I kept digging. The next wave of poop smell hit me and I threw up my lunch of chicken salad. Digging poop out of a shoe, while revisiting lunch is a great way to start a run. I hope I at least threw up in the driveway of whoever decided to leave their dog's enormous dump on the sidewalk.
After the poop digging and puke session, I thought about cutting my run short. I was cranky. But I decided going down to the water might cheer me up. I got down there and saw a news van. Of course I ran past it in hopes of making the evening news, even though it meant going on the long route. They hadn't set up the cameras yet so I'm not famous yet. But as I ran along Alki it was like some kind of staged nature show. A seagull flew out of the bay with a HUGE crab in its mouth. It landed and let the crab go, because this crab was fighting for its life. I waited for the seagull to look away from its catch then ran at it scaring the seagull away. I wanted a look! And this crab was super weird. One huge claw, and one that looked like a needle. It looked like a tick. I had planned to save its life, but I quickly decided not to touch it. I think it was a snow crab... based on this picture.
As I ran I saw seagulls swooping into the water to snatch fish in their beaks. There were all sorts of birds hunting that I've never seen. Then a pack 3 or 4 sea lions showed up. I slowed down so I could run along side of them. I wanted to make sure they were sea lions so I stopped and asked an older couple with binoculars. The man was really excited about all the birds. I can't remember all the names he listed. But some were very rare ducks. It was hard to turn his attention to the sea lions so I could ask what they were, but his wife was like me and more interested in them. Which is understandable, because between a little duck and a huge sea lion, the sea lion is obviously much more exciting.
I'm excited for winter running on Alki, there are more animals every day and less people chugging Coors and lighting bonfires. I'm still waiting to see a whale... I don't care if it's illogical.
Posted by
8:44 AM
Labels: Running
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Seattle on Google Maps Street View
I can be distracted by Google Maps street view for hours. I like "driving" past my parents house, or along scenic roads. It's virtual sightseeing that's just voyeuristic enough to be addictive. And now (finally) Seattle has Google Maps street view! Yes, now you can see your apartment right on your computer! You can be slightly creeped out to see your car parked out front. You can also get better directions. I like being able to see what the building I'm trying to find looks like. Less U-turns. Check it out. Just go to Google Maps and type in a Seattle address. Then click street view and get ready to start spying... I mean exploring.
Posted by
11:53 AM
Labels: for seattleites
KEXP Celebrates Change
kexp can be a bit much for me in the morning. Sometimes it's like some kind of techno rave going on at 6:15a...and I need more coffee before I rave.
But this morning they have it just right. Check out the playlist so far:
Today - Smashing Pumpkins
Changes - Sugar
Chicago - Sufjan Stevens
Beautiful Day - U2
Once in a Lifetime - Talking Heads
Happy - The Wrens
End of an Era - Dogs
Perfect - The The
I'm Free - The Soup Dragons
Higher Ground - Stevie Wonder
So if you feel like celebrating this morning go to and listen live. (You don't have to be in Seattle to enjoy...)
Posted by
7:06 AM
Labels: music
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day Freebies In Seattle - Free Stuff Just For Voting!
Go out and vote and then celebrate with some sweet election day freebies.
They are giving away free tall drip coffees. Now you can stay awake ALL election night.
Cupcake Royale:
All three locations are giving away "babycakes". Also if you buy 12 cupcakes you get a free sticker that says "I'm pro-cupcake and I voted". So pick up some sweet treats for your election night. They are even making homemade toppers with Obama and McCain heads.
Yeah sorta surprising. But they are giving away "Silver Bullets" and "Mavericks". Check out the site if you need to know what those are. Hehe.
Ben & Jerrys:
The boys from Vermont are giving away free scoops. In Seattle you can get your ice cream fix from 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. tonight.
Krispy Kreme:
Yum. Red, White and Blue sprinkle donuts are free!
Democracy never tasted so sweet. If you know of anymore - let me know!
Posted by
2:00 PM
Labels: for seattleites
To The Polls!
This is my first time voting in Washington State! I'm excited (and nervous) about the election's outcome. In my office you can definitely feel the tension. People are ready for the votes to be tallied.
While reading up on candidates and initiatives I need to be more familiar with I decided O and I should have some kind of election night 'party'. At least a dinner. So I found the perfect main course: Obama's chili recipe. At first I was thinking Chicago deep-dish, but this seems better. Maybe I'll even mix up some blue cocktails.
So what are you doing for election night?
Posted by
10:22 AM
Labels: food: make it yourself, for seattleites
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Time To Put The Headphones On!
I've been running again lately. Running had been a big part of my life routine since the 6th grade. It wasn't always a great part of my life. Running in college took away a lot of the childlike fun of it away from me. I finally took a break from it the past two years. It's taken awhile for running to be mine again. For it to be a place of strength and calm and not frustration and anger.
Even now that I'm "running again", it doesn't mean I love it everyday. I think it's a misunderstanding that "runners" alway love getting out there. I might have one great run every week, where I love every step. The other days are just training so I can run farther on that day I love. Seattle has some of the most beautiful running loops so I'd be lying if I denied enjoying it just a little everyday. At least by the end. I always see something I would have missed if I hadn't pushed myself out the door. It's such a big part of what I love about where I'm living that I think it needs a special place on One Rainy Day. Introducing "Things I Saw When I Was Running Today". I'll come up with something better.
Yesterday I went on one of my favorite loops. I can see the water almost the entire run, and even get to finish up on some trails in Schmidt Park. In the first neighborhood I run through there is a street on the edge of a cliff that overlooks the bay and it's crawling with stray cats. Every sunny day I run there I'm bound to see some collarless cat lounging in strip of grass between the road and sidewalk. Yesterday when I passed through a cat jumped out from behind a telephone poll. As if she'd been waiting for me. She ran beside me like a puppy. Of course I had to stop. After petting her I started to run again, sure enough she started to run next to me. I named her Sylvia in my head. And wondered if that made me some kind of suburban grizzly man (cat lady, I guess). The cats on this cliff are like wild animals. I can picture them making their escapes from the homes they came from. Dreaming of the cliff where cats run free. So if your cat has gone missing, you might want to check out Sunset Avenue in West Seattle. If you don't find yours I'm sure you'll find one you'll like to adopt.
After leaving Sylvia I ran down to the Alki trail. The crowds are thinning now that the days are cooler. In the evenings I usually see little seals swimming along the shore looking for dinner. Their sleek backs catching the sunlight as they dive down. It's wonderful how the same place can be so different every day. The same running loop is completely new each time I run it. Which, along with my ipod, is really the only motivation I need to get out there... even when I really don't want to.
Posted by
4:03 PM
Labels: Running
Monday, October 27, 2008
Metropolitan Pumpkin Carvings
I like knowing why these odd traditions start. I mean, why are we carving pumpkins every Halloween? The Legend of Stingy Jack! That's why. Basically Stingy Jack tricked the devil one too many times, and after he died wasn't allowed into Heaven and the devil wouldn't let him into Hell. Instead, the devil banished him to walk the earth with only a coal to light the way. Stingy Jack carved out a turnip and put the coal in it (of course).
Then once people made this story up, they wanted to keep Stingy Jack away. So they would carve beets, turnips and eventually, in America, pumpkins, then put them in their windows with candles lit inside to keep Stingy Jack out. This is why we call them Jack O'Lanterns. It seems to me that Jack O'Lanterns would entice Jack more than anything... but I guess logic isn't supposed to be a huge part of this story.
After reading this I hope that maybe our pumpkin carving will serve a purpose. See I'm convinced that our apartment is haunted. I hear tapping in the kitchen, and shuffling in the hallways. When I told Owen about these noises all he said was, "so you think these ghosts are making sandwiches?" I don't know. Maybe it's just the apartment settling into fall weather. I'd prefer to think that spirits are fixing themselves late night snacks. If the ghost I'm dealing with is Stingy Jack, or another ghost who dislikes gourds with candles inside, I may be able to keep them out of my kitchen for awhile. We'll see.
Metropolitan Market Pumpkins
Prices: It was $7.00 for our two big pumpkins.
Location and hours: Check out their site.
Posted by
11:00 AM
Labels: get crafty: projects, halloween
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Haircut Magic At Shanti!
My hair has been growing into a big poofy mess. (See below) I'm lazy about my hair so I just started wearing it up or fooling myself into thinking it looked fine air dried. Anyway I knew it was time to make an appointment before I chopped it off myself. I love Shanti Aveda Salon ... and best of all I can walk there. Laura did a fabulous job, as usual. It's just what I needed. I didn't color it... just getting all that hair off my head made it look more blonde. Ahh. Now I can really enjoy this great fall day.
Posted by
2:57 PM
Labels: treat yourself
Friday, October 24, 2008
Cactus! On Alki
Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny, crisp fall day in Seattle. Owen and I set off on a long walk after work to enjoy the weather. I wanted to show him some places I've seen on my running adventures. There's a road in a back neighborhood that looks like it might just end but doesn't. When it turns a corner you can see the bay over looks like some beach front village, with houses built all over the cliff side.
We decided to eat dinner down on Alki before starting the climb back up to our apartment. I thought Cactus looked interesting. I loved it as soon as we walked in. It was open and bright, with a fireplace going, and a huge view of the beach. I got the Espinaca salad. It was delicious. The candied pecans were my favorite part and the best that I've ever had. They tasted like Christmas. Owen got the enchilada. I had a bite and it was cheesy, steaky goodness.
Our waitress was friendly and attentive. Which makes eating out a fun experience. Sometimes I feel bad eating out if someone is pouting back and forth with my food and plates. Anyway...When we were done polishing off our plates, talking about how much we liked Cactus and how we needed to come to the happy hour sometime very soon, the manager came over and gave us free flan! Just for being first time customers at Cactus! To me free dessert is pretty much the most exciting thing that can happen at dinner. So Cactus, which was already at a 10 out of 10 in my book, really out-did itself. I don't even know how to rate it now... so I'll just say it was delicious and fun. Cactus immediately climbed to the top of my "Favorite West Seattle Restaurants" list.
Prices: Between $8 and $15 for dinner entrees, happy hour has $4 food specials! Check out the menu.
Lunch: Monday - Sunday: 11:30 - 3:00
Dinner: Sunday - Thursday 5:00 - 10:00
Friday and Saturday: 5:00 - 11:00
Happy Hour: Monday - Sunday: 3:00 - 5:00
Address: 2820 Alki Avenue SW, Seattle, 98116
Phone: 206.933.6000
Posted by
6:31 AM
Labels: food: dinner
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Fancy Pants and Jewelry to Match.
I'll admit it, I have slipped into some kind of late winter hibernation, but I'm sneaking out of the cave to have a look around. I'm starting with the internet, it's much warmer by the glow of the computer. Fancy Pants, one of my favorite Seattle stores, got a little online facelift. The front page of the site was redesigned in December by Erich Ginder.
Fancy Pants keeps it simple online, jewelry and undies. Soon they will "lose their pants" and feature all the local artists they carry in-store. Also when you go the site, here, and click on the dog you'll be taken to their blog, Everybody's Fancy. There you can find all sorts of tidbits about Fancy Pants happenings, including in-store sales.
What I love about Fancy Pants is the jewelry. It's one-of-kind brilliance, most of which is created by the owner, Sally Brock. If you're looking for a unique accent this is the place. And if you'd like the leave the comforting glow of your computer and see the real live store, it's right next to The Moore.
It's the perfect place to get yourself out of the late-winter slump and start spring with inspiration.
Prices: Right now all "pants" (undies) are 50% off!!
Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11a - 6p
Address: 1914 2nd Avenue, Seattle, WA, 98101
Phone: 206.956.2945
Posted by
8:21 PM
Labels: shopping
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Lost Bus Pass...
I lost my bus pass... Yesterday I still didn't have to pay. I just told the driver I couldn't find it. Today she wasn't too happy when I tried the same line.
I don't have a car! I work in Tukwila! My company doesn't help with bus passes! You do the math. Oh, and after you do the math could you send me a new bus pass. Thanks.
Posted by
7:23 AM
Labels: getting there
Monday, February 11, 2008
Cheap Parking in Seattle!
Looking for cheap parking and apocalyptic prophesy? Well, I have just the lot for you! On 9th and Cherry there is a beautiful old house. On the porch there is a hand painted sign advertising parking for $5 on weekdays and $10 dollars on weekends. A sweet older man with a charming Irish accent will let you know where on his wee little lawn you can park your car. Stick around long enough and he'll also tell you how we are all going to burn in 2011.
Hey, cheap parking is cheap parking.
Posted by
7:31 PM
Labels: getting there
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Nectar: Home of the Seattle Coat Check
I went to Nectar to celebrate a friend's birthday. I've always been a fan of Nectar, especially in the summer when you can sit outside and enjoy the great happy hour. In the winter happy hour is made less fun by the blaring music videos that are projected on the back wall. Maybe I'm old but when I go to happy hour I just want to be able to catch up with my friends. Anyway, Saturday had some great live music. It was nice to get out of the cold and drink beers in a big crowd of body heat. But once you heat up you don't want to lug your down coat around. If I had one suggestion for Nectar: coat check. When I asked for one, the bouncer pointed to a big pile of coats on a chair. Oh, Seattle, so innocent. I don't think anyone in Boston or New York would leave their coat in a pile by the door. But since it was Seattle I dumped mine on top and didn't think twice. Which is what I love and will never understand about this city.
Posted by
6:35 PM
Labels: places to go
Friday, January 18, 2008
Thoughts on Seattle Metro Buses
I don't have a car. So I carry on a love/hate relationship with the Seattle bus system. I like having the extra time to read, or people watch. And I love the bus tunnel. I love that I don't have to stand out in the cold and rain waiting. I do, however, wish there were newspaper vendors down in the tunnel.
I hate when I sprint for a bus only to have the driver slam the door in my face. I hate when people harbor a seat for their purse/briefcase when people are left standing in the aisle. I also don't care to hear one more inane cell phone conversation. Or smell one more sneaky morning fart.
But last night, after treking over to the Seattle School of Visual Concepts to pick up some posters, I sprinted to catch the 3 back to First Hill. I missed it! But I was redeemed by the number 2 bus. Who pulled over even though there wasn't a stop and let me ride to catch up with the 3. I savor small victories, my friends. If you ride the bus you know exactly what I mean.
Posted by
10:59 PM
Labels: getting there
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Washington Skiing | Crystal Mountain Ski Area
I jump at any chance to leave the city and be outdoors. So when my friends Anthony and Dave asked if I wanted to go skiing at Crystal I said yes. We left soggy Seattle at 6:30am, drove through pouring rain until about 10 minutes outside of Crystal Ski Area, where the rain changed to snow.
We put on all our ski gear in one of the lower parking lots, and waited for the shuttle. We waited and waited. We all got ridiculously large coffees at Bigfoot Java, and finally decided we couldn't wait any longer to get to the bathroom... I mean, to get out tickets and start skiing. So we walked.
The skiing was great, the weather changed every 10 minutes making the same runs feel different. (Before visiting check the conditions and Crystal Ski Area Webcam.) One of the perks of the day was watching people fall after hitting a dip in the snow that was invisible when the clouds rolled in. It's right after you get off the Forest Queen Express. Also getting to try the newest lift, Northway, was a huge perk. It was my favorite area of the mountain.
I had a few solid falls myself and my cell phone must have gotten left behind after one of them. At the end of the day it was missing from my pocket. Sad to think of the little guy alone and shivering on the mountain. Its lonely little ring echoing on the empty mountain.
But aside from the shuttle service, which was just as frustrating on the way back to the car, and losing my phone... my first day of Washington skiing was very fun, and actually much better than expected. Now I'm sore and need to get back in shape before heading up to Whistler in February.
Prices: Adult One-Day: $58
Season passes, children's tickets, half day passes and more at: Crystal Mountain Lift Tickets
Hours: Lifts run from 9a-4p
Where: Outside of the northeast corner of Rainer National Park, in Enumclaw WA.
Website: For webcam, driving directions, and even a Crystal Blog visit
Posted by
8:18 AM
Labels: daytrips, things to do
Thursday, January 3, 2008
In The Bowl Vegetarian Noodle Bistro
It was a drippy Thursday night. I got home late and cleaned my surprisingly messy apartment. It was 8:30 before I realized I was hungry. I have lived in this apartment since August and I have never ordered in. I decided to change that. Besides, I finally bought a microwave today and it should be put to work heating up left overs.
To find a restaurant near First Hill, I turned to Google (of course). After sifting through review after review, and calling a few restaurant that didn't deliver I found In The Bowl Vegetarian Noodle Bistro. In The Bowl is in Capitol Hill and sounded tasty and unique. I scanned the reviews for what to order because I didn't have a menu. I settled on something called Tac Team, an order of spring rolls and some soup. Everything I read said that In The Bowl is a restaurant that doesn't skimp on the spice so I scaled my typical 4 star down to a 2.
One of the things that makes In The Bowl unique is it's a completely vegetarian restaurant. But they go beyond tofu, they have vegetarian duck, chicken and beef! I'm a new vegetarian and haven't been very creative so far. I was really excited to see what "fake meat" tasted like.
The service was very fast. They told me, over the phone, that it would be there in about 40 minutes. I was surprised when someone buzzed my apartment twenty minutes later. The food was great. Faux Chicken doesn't taste like chicken... which I actually found comforting. It would be a little too weird if someone could make meatless chicken taste like chicken. It's very good though. I was glad I went with the 2 star, it was plenty spicy enough. The soup was delicious and there was a lot of it. It was full of fresh mushrooms, fried tofu, coconut milk and spices. I would order it again in a heartbeat. I'm not sure what it's called though, I had the woman add it to my order to reach the $20 delivery minimum. In fact, I ordered enough food to feed at least two people to reach that $20 minimum. On the plus side it saved me from eating a PB&J sandwich the next day.
My favorite part, aside from how fast the food got here, was the little (free!) desert added to my order. It's not very helpful that I don't know what it's called either. But I know it involved sweet red beans and some condensed milk (or cream or soy milk...?). And it was one of the best things I've ever tasted. They gave me two. Based on how much food I ordered they must have thought someone else was helping me. Yum! More free dessert for me!
I need to stop by and experience this restaurant in person, but if I want to eat in my sweats again and have someone else bring the yum right to my door their number is on my fridge.
Prices: Enjoy a full meal for under $10.
If you want delivery: muster up a big appetite or grab a friend, the minimum is $20.
Hours: Monday, Wednesday-Thursday 11:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.
Friday and Saturday 11:00 a.m.-10:30 p.m.
Sunday 12:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
Address: 1554 E Olive Way, Seattle WA, 98102 (Capitol Hill)
Phone: (206) 568-2343
Posted by
9:12 PM
Labels: food: delivery, food: dinner, food: lunch, food: vegetarian
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
New Park in Fremont - Great View and Greek Mythology
This weekend Owen and I went on a quest to find Fremont Peak Park, the new park in Fremont. It opened on November 10, 2007. We thought it would be big and easy to find, but after driving around in circles we hadn't stumbled upon the park. Finally, we started calling anyone who might be near a computer and could point us to the park. We found it! And it was little and poetic. There is only one entrance to the park, and it begins by tell
ing the Greek myth in which Ariadne gave Theseus a spool of silver thread to help him trace his way through a labyrinth to slay the minotaur. The story is engraved on silver "thread" along the ground. Then you follow the silver "thread" to a clearing with an amazing view of Puget Sound, from the Space Needle to Ballard.
The park might be small but it is deep. By that I mean it is filled with symbolism from Greek Mythology to Cosmology. The more I read about the park the more complex I understand the artist's and architects vision to be. So if you'd like to feed your head and enjoy a beautiful view - visit Fremont Peak Park.Price: Free! The best kind of fun!
Location: Palatine Ave N. and N. 45th Street, Seattle WA (the north hillside of Fremont)
Hours: 4am - 11:30pm
More Information:
Friends of Fremont Peak Park
Meet the Artists: Haddad & Drugan
Posted by
11:01 AM
Labels: places to go, things to do
City Home Store - More than Furniture
If you live in Seattle you may know City Home Store in Capitol Hill as the place to find contemporary furniture for small living spaces. Their chic couches and ottomans double as storage units, their desks and vanities become end tables... basically they sell magic furniture. Magic furniture with surprising ways to save space without sacrificing your personal style.
I went into the store expecting beautiful furniture that would look great in my small studio. What I didn't expect was everything else. This store is filled with delightful additions for any home - at a great price. And what I really loved was that, unlike other knick-knack filled stores that leave me overwhelmed and sneaking politely for the door, the City Home Store has the perfect amount of unique products. It's as if the Goldie Locks of home decor has blessed them.
Also, the shopping assistants were friendly, attentive and never overbearing. They checked in when it was clear I had too much to hold, and made a little stash for me by the register.
My favorite finds include a mat made entirely of smooth beach stones (perfect for the bathroom), a photo album made of beautiful pressed leaves and bamboo as well as classy black and white screen printed sheets.
This is a store that is constantly getting new goodies in, and is fun to wander through. Trust me, you'll find something you didn't know you couldn't live without. And it will be a unique find, which is the best part.
Prices: Depends on what you're shopping for. Furniture isn't cheap, but as we all know you get what you pay for... and this isn't build it yourself. But you won't be shocked - it's well within an average price range. As for rugs, lights, martini glasses and all the other fun stuff it's VERY reasonable. $12-$60
Location: 517 E. Pike Street. Seattle WA. 98122 - Capitol Hill
Website: City Home Store
Hours: Monday through Thursday 11a-7p
Friday and Saturday 10a-8p
Sunday 11a-6p
Reviews: NWSource Shopping Guide - Daily Find
Posted by
10:31 AM
Labels: gift shops, home decor shops