We have 5 days left until Christmas, and instead of fighting your way through Pacific Place or Northgate you could shop local. You'll save your sanity and you'll even save money. And trust me you'll find truly thoughtful unique gifts.
This holiday season my favorite boutiques are doing the most amazing thing: Daily Deals!
Go to Carmilia's brand new blog to find their daily deal. The deal lasts 48 hours and trust me every day thus far has been amazing. Like over $50 off a Michael Stars dress! Or 4 Voluspa candles for $20!
Clementine Shoes
Just like Carmilia's the deals last 48 hours. Clementine updates their blog every day with the new special.
Clementine and Carmilia's are practically across the street from one another in the West Seattle Alaskan Junction. So I guess you'll save your sanity, your money and your time.
Happy Holidays!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Shop Local - Daily Deals!
Posted by
10:36 AM
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Pretty Parlor: Exhibit Opening August 9th, 2009

Posted by
8:08 AM
Labels: things to do
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Why Hello There...
I haven't forgotten about One Rainy Day, or quit just because it's sunny. I'm reviewing things for the Seattle Examiner. To be specific I'm examining Seattle Personal Style.
Just visited Pretty Parlor in Capitol Hill. Check out my review!
Posted by
10:09 PM
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Free Tickets To Sasquatch
Posted by
7:12 PM
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Best Place To See The Sunset In Seattle
Posted by
10:52 AM
Labels: free things to do, seattle photos
Feedback Lounge and Beveridge Place
It really didn't matter. There was so much to take in. Original rock tour posters from Led Zeppelin to Montley Crue. The promised Rok Box with its belly full of rock memorabilia. And the appetizers were delicious.
Next we checked out the "new" Beveridge Place Pub, which left its location to the Feedback Lounge and moved about 10 feet over. New location made a huge difference. It is beautiful. Bright and spacious. Dog friendly. I love the Beveridge Place Pub, I wish I were a regular. It's one of the places where the bartenders know everyone by name and neighbors look forward to running into one another.
Posted by
10:07 AM
Labels: bars and pubs, places to go, things to do
Monday, April 27, 2009
Daytrip to Olympia - Procession of the Species
This year was my second attending the Procession of the Species parade in Olympia. Last year I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. It's part welcoming spring, part celebration of earth and complete nonsensical fun.
First everyone gets chalk and decorates the street.
Posted by
7:22 AM
Labels: daytrips
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Online Shoes Warehouse Sale in Mukilteo
Online Shoes is an online shoe retailer based in Seattle. I've ordered a couple pairs of running shoes from their online store. They have a great selection, the shipping has been a bit slow, but otherwise I really like Online Shoes.
What makes them different from other online shoe retailers is their customer service and return policy. You have 90 days to return a pair of shoes if they don't work for you. No questions asked. As a runner I love this - because it often takes a least a couple weeks to figure out if the shoes are good or bad. Oh, and shipping is ALWAYS free.
On April 25th and 26th Online Shoes is having a warehouse sale! They will have over 10,000 pairs of shoes starting at $20. You'll find everything from gladiator sandals to Mizuno trainers! I'm going to Procession of the Species that weekend, but hopefully can find time to gorge myself on shoes.
Prices: $20 and up.
Hours: April 25 8a-5pm, April 26 10a-3p
Address: 4702 Harbour Pointe Blvd SW, Suite 201, Mukilteo, WA 98275
Find out more at OnlineShoes.com
Posted by
6:47 AM
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Back Under The Clouds
Posted by
9:59 AM
Sunday, April 5, 2009
And A Beautiful Sunday Too?!
We're earned it Seattle! Finally the grey mist has parted and the sun is shining through. Even if it's only for a couple days, it feels wonderful. Today Owen and I went to the West Seattle Farmer's Market then had a picnic in the park. A lady bug was very interested in my cupcake. But I didn't share. I'm off to read in the park. I refuse to go inside until the sun goes down. How are you Seattlites enjoying the sun?
Posted by
3:41 PM
Sunny Saturday At Woodland Park Zoo
Owen and I decided to enjoy the springy Saturday at the zoo. As expected so did a lot of other people. With the right attitude this can make for double the fun, as you animal watch and human watch. (Which I think is still technically animal watching). Animals watching animals.
We drove over to Fremont in ... my new car! (Yeah that detail was solely there so I could talk about my new car). I bought a car last Sunday. It's our first week anniversary. Not a process I'd like to go through again. The finance guy was the worst. He had huge pictures of his kids everywhere, including one portrait of a baby the size of a movie poster behind his desk. Enough, just because you can reproduce doesn't make you a quality human.
Anyway - back to the zoo and animal watching. I walk around the zoo with a mix of amazement, excitement and sadness. Some of those cages... like the giraffes. Are humiliating. These giraffes were born there I'm sure. But when you know what a giraffe looks like in the wild (thanks Discovery Channel) and then you see on it cage the size of your studio apartment it leaves you feeling queasy. Perhaps they could think the same about us in our studio apartments watching our tvs instead of watching the stars. But that's another story.
The flamingos were fabulous - I think they organized a little dance for visitors which I only caught part of because I forgot how my video recording worked.
Posted by
9:57 AM
Thursday, March 5, 2009
A Poem For Thursday
Owen's dad has been sending me books. The first one arrived in the mail room at work. I got an email from reception telling me to please pick up my mail. I don't get mail at work so I was confused. I still confused when I unwrapped the package to find a book. The only clue as to who bought it was the email in the order form. Yesterday another arrived. It's The Niagara River by Kay Ryan. One poem in particular has been following me around since I read it.
Things Shouldn't Be So Hard
Kay Ryan
A life should leavedeep tracks:
ruts where she
went out and back
to get the mail
or move the hose
around the yard;
where she used to
stand before the sink,
a worn-out place;
beneath her hand
the china knobs
rubbed down to
white pastilles;
the switch she
used to feel for
in the dark
almost erased.
Her things should
keep her marks.
The passage
of a life should show;
it should abrade.
And when life stops,
a certain space—
however small—
should be left scarred
by the grand and
damaging parade.
Things shouldn't
be so hard.

Posted by
9:42 PM
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Apartment Flower Garden
Posted by
8:54 PM
Saturday, February 28, 2009
The Best Things in Life Are Free
I (finally) have my own desk! In my favorite corner of our apartment. I can see the space needle right now from the window. Last night, Owen found the desk shivering on a sidewalk in Georgetown with a free sign taped to its side. He sent me a picture of it to see I wanted it. I saw it and immediately knew it was my desk. So we adopted it.
Paint brush power!
All this junk used to live on our kitchen table.
Now the plants have room to breath and we have a place to eat.
Posted by
3:15 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Dinner at Palisade
Owen's parents gave us a buy one - get one coupon to use at a list of fantastic Seattle restaurants. We decided on Palisade, and so I took Owen out on a date.
We got dressed up and took funny pictures
We dined next to a starfish
The food was delicious - we finished off dinner with the creme brulee sampler. It was great date.
Posted by
12:58 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Unexpected Ice Skating
I heard a car screeeeech out of my street as I was scraping the truck off this morning. So I thought, take note, it's a little slick. I finally got the windshield clear enough to see, and started on my way. Fine pulling out. Then I went to get into the left lane. One second I was looking over my shoulder at the left lane the next I was flying down Admiral sideways toward the sidewalk! Sorta awkward, but I righted myself quickly. I'm not good at a lot my staying calm in winter driving is a skill I possess.
Basically the truck, while looking tough, is possibly the worst vehicle in icy conditions. The back just floats around seeming to pull the tiny cab wherever it wants to go. The roads were absolutely glistening with black ice. As I started up the hill to get on the West Seattle bridge I started to chant encouragement at the truck. Knowing if I stopped midway it would be hard to regain any sort of momentum. Unfortunately right where I needed to merge, at the peak of the hill, a huge truck followed by a line of cars was going just a little faster then my little white death trap truck. I tried to sped up a smidge, started to slip. I was almost about to get ahead of the truck when he sped up to cut me off. Knowing I couldn't stop, I just blared my horn over and over until I merged in. What else could I do?
Seattle winters are confusing, it doesn't really make sense to get winter tires. But there are a few mornings when I wish I had the studded snow tires that make any car invincible. Growing up, my dad would always put the studded snow tires on the minivan, and now he puts them on whichever car is the oldest junk-bucket. Once he puts the tires on, he says for the rest of the season that the car "can climb trees". What I wouldn't have given for that truck to have tree climbing power this morning.
Posted by
6:35 AM
Monday, January 19, 2009
Running in the Clouds
In any other state that title would be me trying to be whimsical. But in Washington, you really can run in the clouds. They will roll over hills and down the streets with you. You can run in and out of them. One moment it's a bright clear day, the next you can barely see 40 feet ahead of you.
through the clouds
Posted by
5:36 PM
Labels: Running
Sickness In Seattle
I am surrounded by coughs and sniffling. Last week the coughs didn't sound that threatening. This week they are thick coughs... the kind that make me want to wear a mask or live in a bubble. I don't want the cough!! Keep the cough to yourself!
Seattle is slipping into a heavy cold season. I suspect Owen might be fighting the flu. His cough has been joined by a headache and exhaustion. This winter you can see if the flu is hitting your state by checking Google Flu Trends. The map was green (indicating minimal flu activity) now it's moving toward the oranges and reds of flu season.
(And if you have a cough, please don't bring it to work.)
Posted by
8:07 AM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
It is Thursday Going On Friday...
I always wonder how the creatives live. You know the artists, actresses, musicians... the people that don't sit in cubicles then trudge home to heat up leftovers and watch sitcoms.
This is why I love The Selby. It's the best way to spy on artists (and other interesting people), and get really fun inspiration for home decor. (Apparently Taxidermy is big ... who knew?)
The Manhattan lofts are my favorites to "tour". Jealousy. Recently they toured Michael Stipe's apartment. I love that he collects the state quarters.

Posted by
6:39 AM
Labels: home decor, Nerd-Out
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Watercolor Class At C and P Coffee House
In the spirit of trying new things in 2009 I signed up for a watercolor painting class. The instructor is local artist Jennifer Carrasco. She sent out our material list today. Phew. There is a lot of stuff on it. Stuff I will be wandering around an art store helplessly looking for in the next week. I haven't taken an art class in 5 years.
Should be interesting.
By the by, Jennifer Carrasco has a blog that is updated often. Check out her artwork, poetry and general comments on life at Carrasco Studio. She even has pictures of her last watercolor class at the C and P coffee house. I guess I can stop wondering what it will look like.
Posted by
8:42 AM
Labels: things to do
Sunday, January 11, 2009
West Seattle Is Ready For Its Close-Up
On the way to breakfast this morning, Owen and I drove past a crowd of firemen, a couple firetrucks, a few limos, and a ton of people at Seacrest park on Alki. He read on the West Seattle Blog the other day that something was going to be filmed there this weekend. Of course, I yelled "Slow Down!" so I could gawk at the famous people in the crowds. I didn't see anyone famous, though a few looked famous. If I did see a famous person I don't know what I'd do anyway. Roll down the window and feed them peanuts? Yes, probably that. Famous people are just like zoo animals, right?
Later I went down to run my typical loop, which would let me pass the filming ruckus again. Coincidence, I swear. This time it smelled like fireworks, and there were filming crews in boats. Police had the road blocked off and the sidewalks were packed. I slowed down a little to peek around, but I needed to get back home so I could meet a friend at 3pm.
When I got in I found out why it smelled like fireworks... they blew up a car!!! West Seattle Blog has the inside scoop and the pictures (as usual).
Posted by
1:28 PM
Friday, January 9, 2009
Compost Requirement for Seattle Homes
Do you save your coffee grounds or lawn clippings in a little tub at home? Well you better start. Seattle Public Utilities has sent out compost requirement notices. On March 30th all residents are required to compost their food waste. Yes, it's a requirement. Not an option. You will be charged for this additional service and the only way to "avoid" it is to say you already compost at home. How will they know you already compost at home? My friend called the Seattle Public Utility to find out. He was told that they will send a city inspector to your house to make sure your system is up to code. Inspector compost on the case.
This compost law wasn't voted on. It was made by the mayor alone. The information on the internet is sparse... but the notice is clear: You will compost.
I'm for composting. I'm for the city making it easy for us to be more 'green'. But is forcing people to compost the way to do this? Shouldn't it be a personal choice? Should we have compost inspectors enforcing this? Wouldn't this be a smart choice that home owners would have made of their own will after reading about the benefits? It's already required to recycle in Seattle (it's also free), and we're all used to that. Will composting become as natural as setting aside glass and cardboard?
Posted by
9:06 AM
Labels: for seattleites
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Noble Beast by Andrew Bird - Rainy Day Relief
Today was a rainy, blah day. Work was extra hard to sit through. I came home in a dismal mood. Until I opened my mailbox and found a package from Fat Possum Records. I pre-ordered Andrew Bird's new album, Noble Beast, before Christmas. It comes out in stores on January 20th. But guess who got their copy today? I guess it's pretty obvious that it was me. Yes, I got the album today! Annnnd got Owen a copy.
This is exciting because, a. I wasn't expecting it until the 20th and b. I ordered the deluxe edition. And it came, as promised, with lots of fun and beautiful extras.
I present to you...the fun and the beautiful:
1. The case: a four piece fold out with art work by Diana Sudyka, who is an amazing artist and if you follow flatstock and album art you'll recognize her name. (Tidbit: Her husband, Jay Ryan, did the album art for Mysterious Production Of Eggs.)
2. The booklet: Diana illustrated a special song lyric booklet (I don't know what the proper name for that is...) Each song has an illustration. It's like a beautiful little story book.
3. The poster: A little poster of Andrew Bird himself.
4. The extra music: There's an extra disc full of purely instrumental fun called 'Useless Creatures'.
If you weren't planning on buying this album... you should change your mind. To persuade you, you can listen to the entire album free at NPR. Go there. Now. And if you were going to buy the album ... treat yourself to the deluxe edition. Go to Fat Possum Records and order it. Doesn't it just sound better...deluxe. Say it with your pinky up. See there ya go.
Posted by
6:50 PM
Labels: music
Fires and Flooding. Is This It?
Maybe Mister Apocalyptic parker was right! I-5 is flooded. Fife residents have had to evacuate their homes. And on the way to work I couldn't get off my exit because an enormous building was up in flames.
Luckily, according to the apocalyptic prediction of the front lawn parker, it won't be until 2011 that we all burn. So we have time.
Posted by
6:36 AM