Monday, January 19, 2009

Running in the Clouds

In any other state that title would be me trying to be whimsical. But in Washington, you really can run in the clouds. They will roll over hills and down the streets with you. You can run in and out of them. One moment it's a bright clear day, the next you can barely see 40 feet ahead of you.

sailboat at the end of the world
Pictures don't do this view justice. That little sailboat stood there on the enormous blue water, staring down the wall of fog and mountains. It seemed tiny and courageous.

drying out
A rare glimpse of January sun brought all the birds out.

hide and seek birds
I happened to look down at the rocky shore long enough to see a little rock move. I looked closer. It was a bird. Then I noticed there were lots of these little rock birds. Amazing how an animal can be so perfectly designed for its habitat.

through the clouds


Owen said...

I'm still impressed you can run with a camera! Very nice pictures... can we frame a few?

Anonymous said...

wow, that would make just about anyone want to run! Did you see the movie, where that girl leads a running/photography group? That is you!